Hey all -

I haven't abandoned the blog - I'm just hyper-busy.
I will be away from this blog and other personal internet endeavors such as my Twitter, etc. until January, 2010. If you would like to keep up to date on what I'm doing, or follow my projects, please sign up for my newsletter, which I will keep updated during this time.
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Mike (Gabe from Penny Arcade) is a guy that I love to watch evolve into a world-class cartoonist with a steel-clad work ethic. He's a stylemaker and pushes himself every day. I was surprised and honored to get this BBWW from him a few years back. One of my favorites.
BBWW SPOTLIGHT: Bryan Lee O'Malley
BBWW SPOTLIGHT: Bryan Lee O'Malley
BBWW SPOTLIGHT: Bryan Lee O'Malley
Mal drew this for me in the original sketchbook at SPX '05, and is one of the only color sketches in that book. One of my classic faves.
BBWW Themes On Deck
BBWW Themes On Deck
  • Artist Interviews
  • Cartoonist Roundup
  • The missing BBWWBB Sketches
  • Sketchbook Showcase
Why a Fat Wonder Woman Blog? (The ABOUT section.)
Why a Fat Wonder Woman Blog? (The ABOUT section.)
I wanted to share my collection of BBWW sketches, drawings and doodles with the world that I have collected from my artist pals from around the world.

I'd love for you all to come along for the ride, and if you're an artist, EMAIL ME YOUR SKETCHES, and I'll try to share share alike! Please note, that I don't post everything I get, but I hope that doesn't discourage you!

Ok, but still, Why does this blog exist? I saw it on Google, and ha! ha!-slash-EWWW! fat chicks!
Ok, but still, Why does this blog exist? I saw it on Google, and ha! ha!-slash-EWWW! fat chicks!
1) Jamar is a cartoonist. Cartoonists draw stuff. Beyond drawing his own cartoons, he also likes to see other artists' work that he admires.

2) Jamar asks other cartoonists to submit their ideas of a BBWW (Big Beautiful Wonder Woman) as some form of cartoon. That is all. There is no sinister plot or snarky underlying message. The artist draws what he/she wants with no input from Jamar.

3) Artwork is received (usually) when sent to his BBWW email.

4) When Jamar gets around to it, and likes what he sees, he posts it to the BBWW blog and says something nice about the cartoonist who submitted it.

5) You get to see the cartoon which will evoke some sort of reaction from you.

6) Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

7) Mystery solved.

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